Sunday, October 14, 2007

Here I am

Hello, I am brand new to blogging. I am a born again christian who is thankful everyday for the grace I receive. I am married to a fantastic husband and have one beautiful boy who is 8, and would kill me if he realised I called him beautiful.
I am not sure exactly what I will share in this blog, but God has me on a plan just as He does each of us, sometimes it helps when we as Christians share this journey with others.
I am learning how to be the christian, wife, and mother that He wants me to become. This may not be an easy journey, but feel free to share it with me. I will share with you what God is doing currently in my life. I hope to share at some point all he has done in the past.
I am going over my testimony to give next week. I am surprised by how much emotion can come up when we take and honest look at our past. I am learning that God does not want us to remain in pain. He wants to pour out His grace on our past hurts as well as give us the grace to get through each day. I found a great person at my church and we are praying about the things as they come up. God has healed things I did not know I was keeping inside. What a wonderful freedom this brings. What a great God we have who loves us enough to heal us not just save us.

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