I have found a really huge frugal thing in my home. I can't believe how much it is saving us. It is so simple. I am keeping my kitchen clean. I mean it was never terrible, but it was so easy to eat out instead of cooking if there are dishes in my sink. I have been home the last couple of weeks and I have really gotten it in shape. It is so easy now to go in and cook a meal. The best thing is breakfast. When we are all home it is so easy to go out and grab breakfast. Well now I have been keeping the sink cleared out dishes washed and put away. So breakfast takes just a few minutes to prepare. I am not overwhelmed try to get it on. We have fixed, eaten, and leaned up in just about the time it would take to get ready to go out. I just run in and do it then quickly clean it up. We are saving a ton of money because the kitchen is ready to go.
I had no idea my delaying cleaning up the kitchen cost us so much. I am so excited about making this small change. Instead of cleaning it once a day and being frustrated and overwhelmed with it I just keep it done. Most people would say DUH you should have figured that one out by now. I just guess it takes a while for me. Now I am going to lay out dinner. I think I am going to make Ritzy Chicken I found on Biblical Womanhood. My Dh loves it and it is so easy.
Does anyone have any tips on cleaning the kitchen quickly?
Congratulations! Having my kitchen clean is a huge help, too. I never want to make dinner when it's messy. It's so easy to let it get dirty, too, because it's so tiny that if anything is out of place there's no counter space!
Yes that is exactly my kitchen- in fact my whole house-to tiny to be messy. If its messy I can't work. Thanks for stopping by.
We try to keep ours clean, but I agree, when it is dirty I hate to cook.
That's a great tip. My messiest room tends to be the kitchen. And its not only me leaving a mess, my kids contribute a lot of the mess. I think I need to train them better. I'm going to have to work harder at this since we are trying to cut back on eating out.
Eating out is one of our biggest budget busters I am really trying to curb that one.
I try to wipe down things while dinner is cooking. Frequently I have just a few minutes to wait and this fills the time nicely and my kitchen is cleaner.
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