I did the CVS thing yesterday. I stopped quickly with my son. I was able to get the following.
1 Spiderman Paddle ball set
1 spiderman yo-yo
1 package Christmas colored Hershey kisses
1 Breeze 2 monitor
My total was $11.00
I used only the coupon for the Breeze 2 in the diabetic book
and a $1.00 ECB
My Total was $0.35 That was it.
I received $14.99 In ECB's $5.00 For spending and $9.99 for the Breeze 2 Meter which was free.
I also had gone to Target
I bought some after Christmas things to put away for next year. I still past on a ton of things as I am trying to do a "thing" fast (it is hard to pass up 75% off though) But even when I decided to do the stuff fast I knew I had to get a few things for ds I was waiting for coats to go on sale. Well I could not find a great deal so I settled for an okay deal and got him a coat. I was looking at the sale rack for specific things for him. I found a set of 3 piece PJ set (pj's seem to be expensive new) There was a gentleman going along the rack marking items down. I could not find a price on the PJs so I asked him. He ran it through his machine and said they were four dollars. Thats not bad I thought. He then said or I can push the button and they will be $2.14 "oooohhhhh," I said "let's push the button" So he did and I grabbed them while I could. I was very happy with that deal. So I have bought a few things but being conscious of what I am buying is very helpful.
I am saving a ton of money by just staying out of stores. I go if I must and then do my best to go in just what I intended to get. SO those were my deals this week.
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