Tuesday, December 11, 2007

More of Getting it Done

Well today was pretty good with working on making my home a haven. especially since I still have plenty of time, but I have all ready got one load of laundry done, did my routine, and then worked very hard in the kitchen. Just since 2 P.M. All I have left in the kitchen is the table and all the things on it are sorted just to be put where they go. We have such a small house and so much stuff. While we are all on Christmas break I plan to sort and get rid of a ton of things. I can't wait. Until then I will focus on small parts of the house I can put in order. How fun I love it when the results are starting to show.
While I was working in the kitchen today I was trying to fit a few more food items into the cabinet. I was struggling to get it all in there in a decent order. While I was doing this i remembered what my son had to say this morning. He was telling me that there was a food drive a his school. I said "Yes, I saw the paper on it. Would you like to send something in?" He said "Well, do we have enough food to send and still have some?" I had to chuckle I then asked him if it ever felt as if we did not have enough food. He said "Well sometimes just before dinner I am so hungry I feel like we do not." I had to laugh I reminded him that there is always plenty of fresh fruit on the counter and that right now there are at least three different kinds to choose from and he can always have them.
I know that we have tons of food. I realise that this is just him expressing that he would like to have a junky snack before dinner. What I wonder though is how does this come across at school. "We just don't have enough food for us so we can't give any away." I think his teacher knows us well enough to know different I just wonder at times.
We are in the crazy search for a Wii but alas it seems there are none to be had. I should have thought about this earlier in the year. It is funny that Christmas comes each year and yet it seems to sneak up on me as if it was a new thing. I hope I learn soon. :)

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